Regional Communities Services Center (RCSC) provides
Pre-Employment and Transition Services for students with disabilities. Beginning at age 14, students can start that road to education and employment with RCSC for Pre-ETS
Regional Communities Services Center Inc. partners with specialized youth programs for low-income individuals from 16 to 24. These programs are designed to give you the skills and training you need to gain meaningful employment and secure your financial future.
More Information to Come....
Lead a happier, more fulfilling life with guidance from Regional Communities Services Center Inc.
We partner with many local agencies and organizations to offer the best mix of services to our local communities.
Thank you Division of Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities (EIPD) for our amazing partnership to offer Pre-Employment Transition Services to so many surrounding school systems.
We have plans to partner with other agencies and organizations to assist individuals coming back into the community through Re-Entry as well as those with substance use struggles.
We value all our partnerships and collaborations in the following counties:
We will continue to not only help youth and adults find resources and other services needed, but can also provide in-depth training to enhance their skills, abilities, marketability and employment opportunities.